Postal address
Jaydeb Sarkar Indian Statistical Institute Statistics and Mathematics Unit 8th Mile, Mysore Road RVCE Post Bangalore 560059 Karnataka, India
Publications (Incomplete list on the arXiv. See also Google Scholar and ORCID.)
Brief Curriculum Vitae
Directory of Indian Operator Algebraist & Operator Theorist
(Thanks to Ved@JNU)
Got a Few Minutes! -"Quotes"
Some Pics
"Every Moment Has its Music"
Weekly Webinars:
Webinars on Operator Theory and Operator Algebras (Thanks to Sayan and Srijan)
Multivariable Operator Theory – A Hilbert Module Approach@TSIMF, Sanya, China (December 08-12, 2025)
The 39th Annual Conference of the RMS @Christ University, Bangalore (December 27–29, 2024)
Noncommutative Mathematics and Applications (October 24-26, 2024)
The 38th Annual Conference of the RMS @IIT Guwahati (December 22-24, 2023)
Operator Theory in Lille: a conference in honor of Dan Timotin. Université de Lille, France (November 06- 08, 2023)
Function Spaces, Operator Theory and Operator Algebras (NCM-AIS) (12 Jun - 01 July, 2023)
Conference on Functional Analysis and Related Topics-2023 @ IIT Bombay (February 21-25, 2023)
The 37th Annual Conference of the RMS @SSN College of Engineering, Chennai (December 6-8, 2022)
Operator Theory and Complex Geometry @IISER Kolkata (November 24 - 26, 2022)
Advanced Linear Algebra (May 09-28, 2022)
Recent Advances in Operator Theory and Operator Algebras - OTOA 2020 (December 10-16, 2020) [Cancelled]
Noncommutative Geometry and its Applications, NISER Bhubaneswar (January 6-10, 2020)
KBS Fest (December 12-14, 2019)
Conference on Functional Analysis @ IIT Bombay- 2019 (October 17 - 20, 2019)
Advances in Operator Theory and Operator Algebras - OTOA 2018 (December 13-19, 2018)
NCM Workshop (March 5 - 10, 2018)
Conference on Functional Analysis @ IIT Bombay - 2017
(October 12-15, 2017)
Quantum Probability: Past, Present and Future
(August 10-12, 2017)
North-East Summer Workshop in Analysis and Probability (NE-SWAP: July 6 - 10, 2017)
Madhava Competition Nurture Camp (June 05 - 9, 2017)
Advances in Operator Theory and Operator Algebras - OTOA 2016 (December 13-22, 2016)
TSSRK Fest (September 22-24, 2016)
North-East Summer Workshop in Analysis and Probability (NE-SWAP: May 31-June 4, 2016)
Advances in Noncommutative Mathematics (ANCM) (2015-2016)
Complex Geometry and Operator Theory (December 01-03, 2015)
North-East Summer Workshop in Analysis and Probability (NE-SWAP: June 27-30, 2015)
Linear Analysis Workshop - LAW
advances in Operator Theory and Operator Algebras (December 2014)
Advanced Instructional Schools (AIS) on Operator Theory (June 2014).
Multivariable Operator Theory: A special session in IWOTA (December 2013)
advances in Operator Theory and Operator Algebras (2012)
Conferences and Workshops