My One-Day Long Short Courses / Pre-Conference Tutorials for IAMG-2022 at Nancy, France and for the IGARSS-2022 at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
An Encyclopedia of Mathematical Geosciences is under preparation and scheduled for release in the first quarter of 2022 by the Springer Publishers.
Call for Papers: Special Issue on "Mathematical Morphology in Geoscience and Remote Sensing" of the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. Submission Window: 01 October 2020 to 31 March 2021.
Full-Day Tutorial on "Mathematical Morphology in Interpolations and Extrapolations", IGARSS 2020: September 26 – 02 October, 2020 Virtual Conference • Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
Delevired a Plenary Talk on "Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) Derived from Remotely Sensed Satellite Data: A Rich Source of Information for the Terrestrial Scientists" at the International Radar Symposium India – 2019, Bangalore, India.
Hearty Congratulations Dr. Aditya Challa on his selection for prestegious C. V. Raman Post Doctoral Fellowship to work at the Department of Computer Science and Automation (CSA), Indian Institute Science (IISc), Bangalore.
Hearty Congratulations Aditya Challa for being awarded PhD Degree, in Computer Science of Indian Statistical Institute on 30/10/19, for his thesis entitled "Some Studies on Mathematical Morphology for Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Learning". This is the PhD Degree awarded in Computer Science at the Systems Science and Informatics Unit (SSIU), Computer and Communication Sciences Division (CCSD), Indian Statistical Institute - Bangalore Centre
Hearty Congratulations Sravan Danda for being awarded PhD Degree, in Computer Science of Indian Statistical Institute on 11/10/19, for his thesis entitled "Some Applications of the Power Watershed Framework to Image Segmentation and Image Filtering". This is the first ever PhD Degree awarded in Computer Science at the Systems Science and Informatics Unit (SSIU), Computer and Communication Sciences Division (CCSD), Indian Statistical Institute - Bangalore Centre
Hearty Congratulations Rajendra Mohan Panda for being awarded PhD Degree of Indian Institute of Technology-Kharagpur on 19/12/18.
Hearty Congratulations H. M. Rajashekara for being awarded PhD Degree of Bharathiar University on 10/14/18.
Hearty Congratulations Sampriti Soor for being selected to receive IEEE GRSS Travel Grant Award to attend IGARSS-2018, Spain.
B. S. Daya Sagar, Qiuming Cheng, and Frits Agterberg (Editors), 2018, Handbook of Mathematical Geosciences: Fifty Years of IAMG, Springer, Cham. Pages 942 (Foreword by Zhao Pengda, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Frits Agterberg, 45 Chapters by Award-Winning Academics / Scientists / Professionals). Released on 8 September 2018 at Prague, Czeck Republic. Open Access
Avik Bhattacharya, Lorenzo Bruzzone, B. S. Daya Sagar, Paul A. Rosen, 2017, Special Issue on “Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing in India”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, v. 10, no. 12, p. 5149-5328. (Foreword by Guest Editors)
Keynote Talk on "Is there a single mathematical field that can address retrieval, analysis, reasoning, modeling and simulations, and visualization of information?", 2017 International Workshop on Frontiers in Mathematical Geosciences, held at Beijing, China, 13-16 November 2017.
Hearty Congratulations Aditya Challa on being confirred pristegious Raman-Charpak Fellowship Award - 2017
Hearty Congratulations H. M. Rajasekhara and Sravan Danda on getting Travel Grant Award to Attend IGARSS 2017, Fort Worth, Dallas, USA.
Teaching along with my Senior Research Fellows Sravan Danda and Aditya Challa an elective "Mathematical Morphology & Applications" to the II Semester of Final Year BMath - 2017.
Lecturing on 27 January 2017 at the Workshop on 'Mathematical Genomics' (23-28 January 2017) jointly organized by the Applied Statistics Unit of Indian Statistical Institute-Kolkata, and the Bioinformatics Centre, Tripura University, Agartala, India.
Full-Day Tutorial on "Mathematical Morphology in Interpolations and Extrapolations", on 23 July 2017, During IGARSS 2017, Fort Worth, Texas, USA, 23-28 July 2017. Registrations would begin from 23 March 2017. Course Instructor: B. S. Daya Sagar.
Short Course on "Mathematical Morphology in Interpolations and Extrapolations" on 03 September 2017 during 18th Annual Conference IAMG 2017 (2-9 September 2017), Esplanade Hotel Fremantle, Western Australia. (Course Instructor: B. S. Daya Sagar)
Teaching a Three-Credit Hour Course (20 Lectures) on "Mathematical Morphology & Applications" during Spring (March-May 2017) for Doctoral Students of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), International Doctoral School of the University of Trento, Italy.
News: A friend and a research collaborator Prof. Qiuming Cheng is elected as the President to serve IUGS for Five Years: Hearty Congratulations Qiuming!
ISRO sanctioned grant for the project (2016-19) entitled "Quantitative Morphologic and Scaling Analyses of Lunar Digital Elevation Models (LDEM) Derived from TMC Data of Chandrayaan-1 Mission via Mathematical Morphology and Fractal Geometry"
Keynote Adress on "Overview on Mathematical Morphology and its Applications with Emphasis on Morphological Interpolations" at International Multi-Conference on Information Processing–2016, on 21 August 2016, at Capitol Hotel, Raj Bhavan Road, Bangalore, India.
Hearty Congratulations Sampriti Soor on slection for ISI-JRF-CS 2016
Hearty Congratulations Sravan Danda on getting Travel Grant Award to Attend IGARSS 2016, Beijing, China.
IEEE GRSS Global Chapters' Chairs Meeting, IGARSS 2016, Beijing, China, 10 July 2016.
One Week Faculty Development Programme on "Recent Trends in Signal and Image Processing", June 06-12, 2016, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India.
Lectures at the Amrita University-Coimbatore, 20 April 2016.
Lecture at the IIT-Bombay, 17-18 April 2016.
Lectures at the ISI-Tezpur Centre, 16-18 March 2016.
Chandrayaan Project Proposal Review Meeting, ISRO-SAC, Ahmedabad on 14 March 2016.
DST-SERB sanctioned grant for the project (2016-19) entitled "Quantitative Characterization of Complex Topologically Prominent Components of Porous Media derived from Rocks of Petrologic Significance via Mathematical Morphology and Fractal Geometry"
Lectures at Gayathri Vidya Parishad, JNTU, Waltair on 2 March 2016.
PhD in Computer Science at the Indian Statistical Institute at Kolkata, Bangalore and Chennai campuses. For details browse through How to apply for this, please browse through Prospectus of Indian Statistical Institute for 2016-17.
News: Hearty Congratulations to Associate Professor Dr. Alan Tan Wee Chiat (with whom I had a close association in the capacity of his PhD Supervisor during 2004-08) who has been recently appointed as the Dean of Faculty of Engineering & Technology (FET), Multimedia University-Malaysia.
My recent papers include: B. S. Daya Sagar and Lim Sin Liang, 2015, Ranks for Pairs of Spatial Fields via Metric Based on Grayscale Morphological Distances, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, v. 24, no. 3, p. 908-918, DOI:10.1109/TIP.2015.2390135).
B. S. Daya Sagar and Lim Sin Liang, 2015, Morphing of Grayscale DEMs via Morphological Interpolations, IEEE Journal on Selected Topics on Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, v. 8, no. 11, p. 5190-5198. DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2015.2490098.
New: Following are the two potential topics I propose for JRF-CS Selected for the year 2016. Anyone interested may contact me at:,, 9880893291. (1) Shape-Size (Granulometric) and Recursive Pruning Based Distributions for Iterated Bisections of Multiscale, Multidimensional, Multitemporal, Multispectral Spatial Data for Deriving Fractal and Multifractal-Like Image Characteristics, and (2) Development of Morphology-Based Algorithms for Spatial Informatics and Digital Geographics.
Time Schedules of my Lectures: Semester (July-Dec 2015), I taught two subjects--Mathematical Morphology & Applications for BMath (Monday: 2.00PM-3.00PM; Wednesday: 10.00AM-11.00AM; Friday: 10.00AM-12.10PM), and Information Storage Retrieval & DBMS for MSLIS (Monday: 9.30AM-11.00AM; Wednesday: 3.30PM-5.00PM).
I am involved as: Review Editor, Environmental Informatics-Frontiers; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Computers & Geosciences
DST-IEEE- Summer-School-2015 on "Mathematical Morphology in Geosciences", 24 March - 08 April 2015. Lecture-Schedule.
Attended by invitation IEEE GRSS Chapter Chairs Meeting, Joint Chapter Chair & Globalization Committee Meting, and Globalization Committee Meeting to discuss Creation of a Plan with Action Items for Globalization at Milan, Italy on 26 July 2015.
IGARSS 2015: Milan, Italy, 26-31 July 2015
Half-Day Tutorial on "Mathematical Morphology in Geosciences and GISci", IGARSS 2015: Milan, Italy, 26-31 July 2015
IAMG 2015 Annual Conference, Freiberg (Saxony), Germany: 5 - 13 September 2015.A new elective for BMath-Mathematical Morphology and Applications
A new Group-B Course for ISI JRF-CS-Mathematical Morphology And Applications
A new elective for B.Tech (Electrical and Electronics Engineering at the National Institute of Technology Karnataka Surathkal-EE443-Mathematical Morphology & Applications to Signal Processing
A new Bangalore Section IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Chapter
International Summer & Winter Term Courses of Indian Institute of Technology-Kharagpur