Course Archives Documentation Research and Training Centre Unit
Course: Knowledge Management
Level: Postgraduate
Time: Currently not offered
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Module 1: Introduction to Knowledge Management
Unit 01: Meaning, Nature, Need and objective of KM study
Unit 02: Types of Knowledge, Concept Analysis Technique, History of Knowlkedge Management: From Physical Assets to Knowledge Assets
Unit 03: KM and business strategy
Unit 04: KM for Individuals, Communities, and Organizations
Unit 05: The KM Profession: KM Roles and Responsibilities within Organizations, The Ethics of KM
Unit 06: KM and Future
Unit 07: Case Studies and infographics

Module 2: KM Cycle
Unit 08: Major Approaches to the KM Cycle-1: The Zack KM Cycle, The Bukowitz and Williams KM Cycle The McElroy KM Cycle
Unit 09: Major Approaches to the KM Cycle-2: The Wiig KM Cycle, An Integrated KM Cycle, Strategic Implications of the KM Cycle

Module 3: KM Models
Unit 10: The von Krogh and Roos Model of Organizational Epistemology, The Boisot I-Space KM Model
Unit 11: The Nonaka and Takeuchi Knowledge Spiral Model: The Knowledge Creation Process, Knowledge Conversion, Knowledge Spiral
Unit 12: The Choo Sense-making KM Model, The Wiig Model for Building and Using Knowledge
Unit 13: Complex Adaptive System Models of KM, Practical Implications of KM Models

Module 4: Knowledge Economy
Unit 14: Nature and characteristics, national information infrastructure
Unit 15: KM Strategies in knowledge economy
Unit 16: Intellectual capital and Intellectual Infrastructure development

Module 5: Knowledge Capture, codification
Unit 17: Tacit Knowledge Capture: Tacit Knowledge Capture at Individual and Group Levels, Inter-viewing Experts, Structured Interviewing, Stories, Other Methods of Tacit Knowledge Capture
Unit 18: Explicit Knowledge Codification: Cognitive Maps, Decision Trees, Knowledge Taxonomies

Module 6: Knowledge Sharing
Unit 19: Knowledge transfer and knowledge sharing with respect to culture and national structure
Unit 20: The Social Nature of Knowledge, Sociograms and Social Network Analysis, Obstacles to Knowledge Sharing, Measuring the Value of Social Capital

Module 7: KM Tools and Portals
Unit 21: Knowledge Capture and Creation Tools: Content Creation Tools, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Blogs, Content Management Tools; Knowledge Sharing and Dissemination Tools
Unit 22: Groupware and Collaboration Tools: Wikis, Networking Technologies
Unit 23: Knowledge Acquisition and Application Tools, Intelligent Filtering Tools, Adaptive Technologies
Unit 24: Knowledge Management Strategy: Knowledge Audit, Gap Analysis, The KM Strategy Road Map
Unit 25: KM Metrics: The Benchmarking Method, The Balanced Scorecard Method, The House of Quality Method
Unit 26: Knowledge Portals
Unit 27: Evaluation of KM effectiveness

Module 8: Role of Organisational Culture
Unit 28: Different Types of Cultures, Organizational Culture Analysis, Cul- ture at the Foundation of KM, The Effects of Culture on Individuals, Cultural Transformation to a Knowledge-Sharing Culture
Unit 29: Organizational Maturity Models: KM Maturity Models, CoP Maturity Models
Module 9: Practice
Unit 30-32: KM Practice - Project Work

Reference Texts:
1. Cappelli, Peter. (2010). The performance effects of it-enabled knowledge management practices. Cambridge.
2. Christee Gabour Atwood.(2009). Knowledge Management Basics. ASTD Pess.
3. Dalkir, Kimiz & Liebowitz, Jay (2011). Knowledge Management Theory & Practice. MIT Press
4. Easterby-Smith, Mark & Lyles, Marjorie A. (2011). Handbook of organizational learning and knowledge management. Wiley.
5. Frappaolo, Carl. (2006). Knowledge Management. Capstone.
6. Hislop, Donald. (2009). Knowledge Management in organization. Oxford.
7. Holsapple, Clyde. (2004).Handbook on Knowledge Management 1: Knowledge Matters. Springer
8. Jennex, Murray E. (2008). Knowledge Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications. Information Science Reference.
9. Liebowitz, Jay (2012). Knowledge Management Handbook: Collaboration and Social Networking. Taylor and Francis

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