Trend of Digital Library Research in India: A Bibliometric Analysis Sneha Bharti, Ranjeet Kumar Singh and M Krishnamurthy. International Conference on Emerging Digital Library Platforms: Shaping Digital Transformation and National Data Exchange (ICEDLP-2022) Aug 9-12, 2022, DRTC, ISI ISBN: 97893-5680-830-0 Edited by M Krishnamurthy et al.
Asha K H, Manjunathswamy B E, Krishnamurthy M and Sunil KumarG: Verification of Information in Multi Model Biometric Ecosystem, International Conference on Recent Trends in Machine Learning and Computing Systems (RTMCS-2021) on 17-18 December 2021, Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore, Karnataka.
Krishnamurthy, M :Open Access Policies and government initiatives in National repositories .The 16th International Conference on Open Repositories, June 7-10, 2021 (Virtual)
Krishnamurthy, M: Smart Cities and Libraries: Community development through innovation. International Conference on Smart technology in computing, Electrical and Electronics, Organsied by Reva University, 9-10th March, 2021 (Online)
Krishnamurthy, M: Social Medial and Education resources: A review and Challenges. International Conference on Digital Landscape - Reinvention and Re-engineering of Libraries: Issues and Challenges. ILA 65th International Conference .Amaravathi University, 26-28th February, 2021 ( Virtual)
Jayamma, K V., Krishnamurthy,M : Automation and Library Services in Government Colleges: Some Experiences, International Conference on Reshaping Librarianship: Innovations and Transformations, Bhararathiar University, Coimbatore, August 16-17, 2019
Krishnamurthy,M: Subhash Reddy and Sajana Chatta. Big Data on Cloud (BDOC): Scientometric Analysis. International Conference on Library and Information Science, Linking , Informing, Sharing ,July 11-13, 2019, National Taiwan University, Taipie
Krishnamurthy, M Understanding Big Data in Library and Information Science: Issues and Challenges. 9th KSCLA National Conference on Library in the Life of the User. Organised by Tumkur University, March1-2, 2019
Meeramani , Krishnamurthy, M : Factors impacting the usage of digital library in higher education. International Conference on Future of Libraries" IIM Bangalore and ISI Kolkata Jointly organized the "International Conference on Future of Libraries" 26th-28th February 2019 at Indian Institute of Management Bangalore.
Krishnamurthy, M Understanding Big Data in Library and Information Science: Issues and Challenges. 9th KSCLA National Conference on Library in the Life of the User.Organised by Tumkur University, March1-2, 2019
Krishnamurthy, M ., Ramesha, B and Roopa,E: Open Technology Tools in Academic Environment: A Successful Experiments. International Conference on "From Open Library to Open Society" icoo 2018. Organised by Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Korea Instiute of Science and Technology, Nonthaburi, Thailad, 18-19, August 2018. ISBN978-616-474-135-5 Editors Dr Namtip Wipawin ,Trvor John Smith
Meeramani N, Krishnamurthy M and Ashok Asundi: Compatibility Study on Emerging Technologies and Library and Information Services - A SWOT Analysis. Indian Insights: Integrating Individuals, Institutions and innovations. 5th Biennial Indian Academy of Management Conference. Organised by IIM , Indore ,17-20 December 2017
Sajana,C and Krishnamurthy ,M: Open Science and Open Data in Digitally Progressing India. International Conference on Future of Libraries: From Promises to Practice. In association with College of Communication, Florida State University, USA, and LISSASPAC,DRTC/ISI, November 15-17, 2017. ISBN 978-81-92179-79-7 Editors Dr. M.Krishnamurthy,Dr Ramesha and Subhash Reddy
Prakash, and Krishnamurthy, M: Knowledge Management in Health Science Librarianship. International Conference on Future of Libraries: From Promises to Practice. In association with College of Communication, Florida State University, USA, and LISSASPAC,DRTC/ISI, November 15-17, 2017. ISBN 978-81-92179-79-7 Editors Dr. M.Krishnamurthy,Dr Ramesha and Subhash Reddy
Prakash , Krishnamurthy, M : Knowledge competencies among Health Sciences Librarianship in Karnataka: A Study International conference on "Libraries Beyond Borders: Innovative Trends, Issues and Challenges in Knowledge Dissemination" Department of Library Services Christian Medical College ,Vellore ,Tamil Nadu, 18 - 19th August 2017. P 57-64 ISBN 978-93-81992-38-8 Edited by Prof Ramesh Babu and Dr Joyson Sondarrurajan
Krishnamurthy, M and Sajana, C: Current Trends and Progress of Institutional Repositories in BRICS Countries. 20th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations August 7 - 9, 2017 Organised by George Mason University and Washington Research and the United States Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Association (USETDA)., Washington DC,USA
Krishnamurthy.M Cloud Computing in Libraries: Current Trends. National Conference on "Librarianship in the Contemporary World in the Context of Emerging Technologies" orgnaised by JNTUK, 28-33 Editor Dr. B.R Doraswamy Naick Paramount Publishing House New Delhi, ISBN : 978-93-85100-69-7 P263-267
Roopa. E & Dr. M. Krishnamurthy: Status of Institutional Repository (IR) Service in Engineering Colleges in Karnataka. National Conference on "Librarianship in the Contemporary World in the Context of Emerging Technologies" orgnaised by JNTUK, Editor Dr. B.R Doraswamy Naick Paramount Publishing House New Delhi, ISBN : 978-93-85100-69-7 P 28-33
Sajana C, Deepa, K.M Krishnamurthy, M : Big Data on Cloud : Scientometric Analysis. 2ndNational Conference on "Librarianship in the Contemporary World in the Context of Emerging Technologies" 23-24 September 2016 ,JNUTK, Andhra Pradesh. Editor Dr. B.R Doraswamy Naick Paramount Publishing House New Delhi ,ISBN : 978-93-85100-69-7
Krishnamurthy, M , Sajana C: Application of Cloud Computing in Libraries with special reference to Public Library. International Conference on Development of Smart Cities: Interface, governance and technology, 9-10th September, 2016. Organised by Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
Krishnamurthy, M and Sajana, C: How far we plan to preserve: Do current Digital Preservation research suffices? ETD 2016 Data and Dissertations.19th International Symposium on Electronic thesis and Dissertations, 11-13th July, 2016 Lille France, organised by Universite de Lille, France
Krishnamurthy, M, Sajana: Hidden Treasures of open source position in th e world of Repositories. National Conference on Bridging the Digital Divide: Open Source and Open Access Movement Organised by Dept of Library and Information Science, University of Mysore, March 11-12, 2016. Edited by Dr. N.S Harinarayana et al
Veena G and Krishnamurthy, M: Impact of Information Communication Technology on Information Seeking Behavior among Users of Engineering College Library: A study. 61st International Conference of Indian Library Association (ILA) on "Sustaining the Excellence: Transforming Libraries through Technology, Innovation and Value Added Services in Google Era" held at Saurasthara University Library, Saurasthra University, Rajkot,Gujarat on 12-15 March 2016.
Krishnamurthy, M, Sajana: Hidden Treasures of open source position in th e world of Repositories. National Conference on Bridging the Digital Divide: Open Source and Open Access Movement Organised by Dept of Library and Information Science, University of Mysore, March 11-12, 2016. Edited by Dr. N.S Harinarayana et al
Krishnamurthy,M:Big Data in Library and Information Sceince: Issues and Challenges.International Conference on Innovation Driven Librarianship: Creating Future Landscape for the New Generation Libraries and its Professionals. Organised by SRM University,Korean Institute of Science and Technology,KISTI(Korea) Chennai, June 11-13, 2015 P 85-96 ISBN 978-93-841-3605-6 Edited by Prof Dong Geun Oh,et al.
Sandip Das., Krishnamurthy,M:Constructing Semantic Knowledge Management Portal with Open Source Software Drupal.International Conference on Innovation Driven Librarianship: Creating Future Landscape for the New Generation Libraries and its Professionals. Organised by SRM University,Korean Institute of Science and Technology,KISTI(Korea) Chennai, June 11-13, 2015 P 85-96 ISBN 978-93-841-3605-6 Edited by Prof Dong Geun Oh,et al.
Krihanamurthy, M ., Ramesha, B: Application of Technology in to Library Services in changing Scenario: Issues and Challenges. 60th ILA International Conference on Embedded Librarianship and Technological Challenges of the Digital Age. Organised by Punjab Univesity Library and Indian Library Association, Chandigarh, April 8-10, 2015 P 575-582 ISBN 81-85216-49-5 Edited by Dr. Ramesha et al .
Meeramani,N., Krishnamurthy.M: Assessing Innovation Services in Management School Library: A Case Study. 60th ILA International Conference on Embedded Librarianship and Technological Challenges of the Digital Age. Organised by Punjab Univesity Library and Indian Library Association, Chandigarh, April 8-10, 2015 P 38-43 ISBN 81-85216-49-5 Edited by Dr. Ramesha et al .
Meeramani, Krishnamurthy M: Innovative Strategies in Management School library of Bangalore: A Study . Natonal Conference on Winning with VUCA innovations and Strategies. Organised by Dept of Commerce and Management Studies, Jain University, 2-3 March, 2015, Bangalore
Krishnamurthy,M: Information Management and its role in library and Information Centres: Issues and Challenges. National Conference on Trends National Conference on Trends in Management of Academic Libraries in Digital Environment.Organised by Learning Resource Centre, Jain University, Bangalore ,December 19-20,2014 P 397-405 ISBN 978-81-920992-6-2 Edited by M.Krishnamurthy
Kaustav Saha and Krishnamurthy,M: Assessing the value of E-learning Management Systems for Higher Education. National Conference on Trends National Conference on Trends in Management of Academic Libraries in Digital Environment.Organised by Learning Resource Centre, Jain University, Bangalore ,December 19-20,2014 P 41-48 ISBN 978-81-920992-6-2 Edited by M.Krishnamurthy
Roopa, E ., Krishnamurthy,M: Digital Library Infrastructure at Engineering Colleges in Karnataka: A Study. National Conference on Trends National Conference on Trends in Management of Academic Libraries in Digital Environment.Organised by Learning Resource Centre, Jain University, Bangalore ,December 19-20,2014 P 144-151 ISBN 978-81-920992-6-2 Edited by M.Krishnamurthy
Sandip Das., Krishnamurthy,M: Architectural Components of Digital Lirbary: A Practical Example. National Conference on Trends National Conference on Trends in Management of Academic Libraries in Digital Environment.Organised by Learning Resource Centre, Jain University, Bangalore ,December 19-20,2014 P 152-160 ISBN 978-81-920992-6-2 Edited by M.Krishnamurthy
Jayamma., Krishnamurthy,M: Implementaiton of Library Automation in Government First Grade Colleges in Bangalore; A Survey. National Conference on Trends National Conference on Trends in Management of Academic Libraries in Digital Environment.Organised by Learning Resource Centre, Jain University, Bangalore ,December 19-20,2014 P 152-160 ISBN 978-81-920992-6-2 Edited by M.Krishnamurthy
Manjunatha,P.S.,Puttaswmay,R.M.,Krishnamurthy,M: Innovative Lirbary Services through Newspaper Clippings: Using Dspace Software at BNMIT Library: A Case Study. National Conference on Trends National Conference on Trends in Management of Academic Libraries in Digital Environment.Organised by Learning Resource Centre, Jain University, Bangalore ,December 19-20,2014 P 371-377 ISBN 978-81-920992-6-2 Edited by M.Krishnamurthy
Vasu,A.,Madhavi,R., Meeramani,N:Kaizen@library: A case study in SCMS in implementing a new practices to promote learning at grass root level. National Conference on Trends National Conference on Trends in Management of Academic Libraries in Digital Environment.Organised by Learning Resource Centre, Jain University, Bangalore ,December 19-20,2014 P 257-266 ISBN 978-81-920992-6-2 Edited by M.Krishnamurthy
Meeramani and Krishnamurthy, M: Role of Academic Libraires in Virutal Enviornments: Issues and Challengs. In National Conference on Democratization of Information Using ICT: Role of Libraries for Social Enlightenment. Organized by Dept of Library and Information Science, Mangalore University and Karnataka SC/ST Library Professional Association, 24-25, Jan, 2014 p 81-86 by Khaiser Munnebulla Khan et al. ISBN 978-93-92845-33-1
Puttaswamy, R.M and Krishnamurthy, M: Information Access in Electronic Enviornment by Faculty Members and Research Scholars of Engineering Colleges under Visweswaraiah Technological University, Karnataka: An Investigation. National Conference on Democratization of Information Using ICT: Role of Libraries for Social Enlightenment. Organized by Dept of Library and Information Science, Mangalore University and Karnataka SC/ST Library Professional Association, 24-25, Jan, 2014 p-412-422 by Khaiser Munnebulla Khan et al. ISBN 978-93-92845-33-1
Roopa and Krishnamurthy, M : Digital Library Services at Coorg Institute of Technology: A Practical Experience. National Conference on Democratization of Information Using ICT: Role of Libraries for Social Enlightenment. Organized by Dept of Library and Information Scince, Mangalore University and Karnataka SC/ST Library Professional Association, 24-25, Jan, 2014 p 452-459 by Khaiser Munnebulla Khan et al. ISBN 978-93-92845-33-1
Roopa, E, and Krishnamurthy,M: Availability of Open Access Resources and Use of Open Source Softwares at Coorg Institute of Technology: A Practical Experience"International Conference on Open Access Scholarly Communication Reincarnated : A Futuristic Approach.Organised by Dept of Library and Information Science, Bangalore University, Bangalore Aug, 19-20,2013 Ed by Dr.Ramesha et al. ISBN81-85216-47-9
Meeramani and Krishnamurthy,M:_"Emerging Technology and Innovation of Library Services using Free Open Source Software (FOSS) in academic environment: Current Trends" International Conference on Open Access Scholarly Communication Reincarnated : A Futuristic Approach.Organised by Dept of Library and Information Science, Bangalore University, Bangalore Aug, 19-20,2013 Ed by Dr.Ramesha et al. ISBN81-85216-47-9
Jayamma and Krishnamurthy,M: Integrated Library Management Systems and Open Source Software: Issues and Challenges". International Conference on Open Access Scholarly Communication Reincarnated : A Futuristic Approach.Organised by Dept of Library and Information Science, Bangalore University, Bangalore Aug, 19-20,2013 Ed by Dr.Ramesha et al. ISBN81-85216-47-9
Krishnamurthy, M: Sustainable Approach to Scholarly Communication in Developing Countries: A Practical Point of View" International Conference on Open Access Scholarly Communication Reincarnated : A Futuristic Approach.Organised by Dept of Library and Information Science, Bangalore University, Bangalore Aug, 19-20,2013 Ed by Dr.Ramesha et al. ISBN81-85216-47-9
Krishnamurthy,M:Visibility of Institutional Repositories(IRs) in Universities and Research Institutions in India: A Study. 58th ILA International Conference on Next Generation Libraries: New Insights and Universal Access to Knowledge.Organised by Dept of Library and Information Science, Karnatak University, Dharwad and Indian Library Association, New Delhi, Feb 24-27,2013, ISBN 81-85216460, Edited by Dr.Ramesha, et al. (ILA CD Sharma Best Paper Award )
Krishnamurthy,M., and Meeramani,N: Innovative Library Service in School of Commerce and Management Studies in Jain University.58th ILA International Conference on Next Generation Libraries: New Insights and Universal Access to Knowledge.Organised by Dept of Library and Information Science, Karnatak University, Dharwad and Indian Library Association, New Delhi, Feb 24-27,2013, ISBN 81-85216460, Edited by Dr. Ramesha, et al.
Krishnamurthy,M., and Puttaswamy, R.M:Use and need of e-Resource by users Community at BNMIT Library and Information Center: A case Study. 58th ILA International Conference on Next Generation Libraries: New Insights and Universal Access to Knowledge.Organised by Dept of Library and Information Science, Karnatak University, Dharwad and Indian Library Association, New Delhi, Feb 24-27,2013, ISBN 81-85216460, Edited by Dr.Ramesha, et al.
Krishnamurthy,M:Cloud Computing in Libraries: Current Trends and Issues.2nd International Concerence on Academic Libraries.Organised by Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University,New Delhi,Feb-12-5,2013. ISBN 978-93-82661-07-8
Meeramani,N and M.Krishnamurthy:e-Publishing : Knowledge and skills Required for LIS Professionals. International Conference on Knowledge Management and organisation in the Digital Era, Organised by Siddaganga College for Arts, Science and Commerce for Women, Tumkur, Edited by Shekar , ISIBN 978-93-5104-135-1 P138-144
Krishnamurthy,M : Library Management System to Resource Discovery: Recent Trends and Issues. National Conference on Integrated Library Management Systems. Organized by Karnataka State Higher Education Council and Tumkur University, Bangalore, Dec13, 2102. Edited by Dr. Shivalingaiah et al ISBN 9781923301
Kraishnamurthy, M and Roopa,E: Preservation of Metadata in Institutional Repository: Issues. In: Tends and Development in Library and Information Science, edited by Rishi Tiwari et al. ISBN978-81-909539-1
Padmavathi,P, Krishnamurthy M: Ontological Representation of Knowledge for Developing Information Services in Food Science and Technology. International conference on Categories, Context and Relations in Knowledge Organization, organized by ISKO, Mysore, 6-9 August 2012, Edited by A.Neelameghan and K.S Raghavan, ISBN 9783899139020
Krishnamurthy, M . Open Access and Scholarly Content through Institutional Repository: Issues and Challenges. National Conference on `Empowering Libraries for Life Long Learning Skills. Organized by Gulbarga Library Association, Gulbarga, 17-18 August 2012,p249-254 ISBN 0788189065911 ed by Dr. Suresh jange
Krishnamurthy M: Library Automation Software: A Practical Experience Using Koha LIVE CD. National Conference on `Empowering Libraries for Life Long Learning Skills. Organized by Gulbarga Library Association, Gulbarga, 17-18 August 2012,p 186-191 ISBN 0788189065911 ed by Dr. Suresh jange
Ramesha, B.,Krishnamurthy,M et al. : Design and Development of LISIR for Scholarly Publications of Karnataka State (INDIA) Universities: A Modular Approach. The 7th International Conference on Open Repositories. Organized by University of Edinburgh, U.K. July 9-13, 2012
Krishnamurthy M: Promise of Content Management Systems: Current Landscape. National Conference on Collection Development in the Digital Environment. Organized by Madras University Library, Madras, June 29-30, 2012
Krishnamurthy,M: User Expectations in the Changing Digital Enviornment: Issues and Challenges.Theme Paper: National Conference on Emerging Trends in User Expectations for Next Generation Libraries. Organised by Dravidan University, Kuppam Feb,24-25, 2012
Roopa,E., and Krishnamurthy,M:Scholarly Communication through institutional repository: Issues and Challenges.57th All India Library conference,Organised by St. Agnes Centre for Post Graduate Studies and Research, Mangalore,23-25 Feb, 2012
Krishnamurthy, M: Five Laws of Libraries and its Influence on the Library Profession: Issues and Challenges. International Seminar Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of Ranganathan's Five Laws of Library Science. Organised by Korean Library Assoication, Seoul, Korea, Oct 18-20,2011
Krishnamurthy, M: Information Handling and the Role of Information Professionals in the Changing Environment.National Conference on collection Management in Changing Context: Problems and Prospects. Organised by Kuvempu University College Librarians Association, Shimoga, Karnataka, Aug 19-20,2011 Edited by Kannapaanavar and Dr Biradar
Krishnamurthy, M., Talawar,V.G and Jagirdar, I.H. Best Practices in Institutional Repositories in Indian Universities and Research Institute. International Conference on Asian Libraries building User Trust: The Key to special Libraries Renaissance at the Digital Era. Organized by Special Libraries Association, Tokyo, Japan and United Nations University, Tokyo, Feb 9-11, 2011 P. 201-209
Krishnamurthy, M., and Babar: Information Seeking Behaviour in an Electronic Environment. National Seminar on Contemporary Issues for the Information Professionals In a Digital Era. Organized by Inmantec In Collaboration with : Management Libraries Network (MANLIBNET) ,Ghaaziabad, Jan 21-22, 2011
Krishnamurthy, M ., Ramesha : Library and Information Science (LIS) Research: Current Trends and Future Perspective . National Seminar on Emerging Thrust Areas in Library and Information Science : Research and Development,Organised by CIRD Business School. ,Bangalore August, 2010.Edited by M.Krishnamurthy, Chandrappa and Ramesha
Krishnamurthy, M., and Nilesh .A. Shewale,. Collaboration authorship in major international Journals: A case Study of Elsevier. International Conference on Webometrics, and Scientometrics, Oct 19-22, 2010, University of Mysore, Mysore
Rajashekara,H.M and Krishnamurthy, M: Wireless (Wi-Fi) Technologies for Libraries: Issues and Challenges. International Conference on Innovation-Driven Librarianship: Expectations of Librarians and Library Users. Organized by SRM University, Chennai , June 17-19, 2010 Ed. By Ramesh Babu and P.Rajendran.p.409-417
Krishnamurthy.M.,: Open Sources and Open Access Initiatives in Developing Countries. International Conference on Innovation-Driven Librarianship: Expectations of Librarians and Library Users. Organized by SRM University, Chennai , June 17-19, 2010 2010 Ed. By Ramesh Babu and P.Rajendran p.447-456
Krishnamurthy,M., and Rajashekara, H.M: Institutional Repositories: Initiatives and issues of Metadata. International Conference on Digital Libraries 2010: Shaping the Information Paradigm. Organized by TERI, New Delhi, Feb 23rd -26th 2010, New Delhi.
Krishnamurthy.M., : RFID Applications in Libraries: Issues and Challenges. National Conference on Content Management in Digital Era: Opportunities and Challenges. Organized by Dept of Library and Information Science, Kuvempu University, Karnataka, 12-13th March 2010
Krishnamurthy,M., : Social Networking: Technologies and Trends. UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Web Based Library Services organized by JSS College for Women, Mysore. March 5-6 ,2010
Shiva kanaujia Sukual, M.Krishnamurthy and et al: E- Resources and Collection Development in the perspective of Open Access. Organized by Karnataka Librarians Association, Siddaganga College for women, Tumkur, August, 2010. Ed. By Shekar and M.Krishnamurthy p.349-355
Krishnamurthy.,M., : Scholarly Communications for Librarians: Current Trends and Practices, national Seminar on Indian Academic Libraries-2020 .Organized by Karnataka Librarians Association, Siddaganga College for women, Tumkur, August, 2010. Ed. By Shekar and M.Krishnamurthy p.80-86
Krishnamurthy,M : Analysis and characteristic of Information retrieval in distributed resources. Seminar on Spatial Information Retrieval, Analysis, Reasoning and Modeling. Organized by DRTC, March 18th -20th 2009
Krishnamurthy,M., Babar Raes and Tarun Kumar: Current Trends and Issues in Information Seeking Behavior in Electronic Environment. Paper accepted for presentation at 55th ILA National Conference on Library and Information Science in Digital Era, Jan 21st 24th ,2009,New Delhi.
Krishnamurthy,M and Rajashekara, H.M : Open Source Software and Institutional Repositories: A Current Trend . National Conference on Role of Open Source Software in Libraries. Organized by Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin, November 24th -25th 2009.
Krishnamurthy,M : Design and Development of Institutional Repositories for Scholarly Communication using Dspace. Dspace user group Meeting, Oct 14th -16th Oct, 2009, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Krishnamurthy,M. : The Digitization of Special Collection at Indian Statistical Institute: An Initiative , 4th International Open Repositories Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, May 18th -21st 2009.
Krishnamurthy M: Emerging Social Network Technology: Changing Paradigms in Library applications. National Seminar on Web 2.0 and its application, organized by University of Mysore, Aug 21-22, 2008
Krishnamurthy M: Using Open Source systems for Digital Libraries: A Dynamic Approach and its applications. National Seminar on Library Resources and Services in the Digital Era, Organized by SRM University, Tamil Nadu, April 2008.
Krishnamurthy M: Accessing E-Journals: A Consortia Approach. Workshop on Consortia based subscriptions on-line resources, organized by Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkatta, March 30, 2007.
Krishnamurthy M: Building IR in the academic Libraries: Current Practices and future possibilities, Dspace User Group Meeting, Organized by Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome ,Italy, 17-19 Oct, 2007
Krishnamurthy M and Lalitha Aswath: Federated Search in Networked Electronic Distributed Resources. International Conference on Future of Knowledge Organization in the Networked Environment, Organised by Indian Statistical Institute Platinum Jubilee Conference series, 3-5 Sept , 2007
Krishnamurthy M and H M Rajashekara: Open Source Software and Digital Libraries, International Conference on Digital Libraries, organized by TERI, New Delhi, 5-8 December, 2006.
Krishnamurthy M: Open Source Software and Digital Libraries: An Overview. National Workshop on Design and Development of E-Library, 24th 25 No. 2006, SRM University, Tamilnadu.
Krishnamurthy M: Institutional Repositories: An Introduction. Workshop on GSDL and DSpace Development of Repositories, Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library and Information Science, Bangalore Sept 4-7, 2006.
Krishnamurthy M: Implementing Digital Libraries using DSpace: An Open Source Software. International Conference on Multidisciplinary Information Sciences and Technologies, Merida, Spain, Oct 25-28, 2006.
Krishnamurthy M: Building Digital library using DSpace: An initiative, Open Repositories 2006: Australian Partnership for sustainable Repositories, Sydney, Jan 31-Feb 3, 2006.
Krishnamurthy M: Development of Institutional Repositories. National Seminar on Best Practices in Library and Information Services, Bangalore University, Aug 9-12, 2006.
Krishnamurthy (M) and Winnie S.Chan : Issues and Challenges in Digital Library Development. In: International Conference on Information Management in Knowledge Society, Organized by IASLIC, Mumbai, Feb 21-25, 2005
Krishnamurthy M: Digital Libraries and Semantic web, IASLIC conference, Chennai, Dec 2005
Krishnamurthy M: Digital Libraries and Semantic web, IASLIC conference, Chennai, Dec 2005
Krishnamurthy M: Design and Development of Subject Gateway: Issues and Challenges. 51st All India Library Conference, Kurukshetra University, Dec 16-18, 2005.
Krishnamurthy M: Ontological Representation of Knowledge on the web. In : National Seminar on Information/Knowledge Organization in Humanities, Organized by SRELS and M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Management, Bangalore, Aug 9-11, 2005
Krishnamurthy M: Gateways to Electronic Media: An overview. In: Information Management trends and issues. Ramesh Babu et al (ed) Research Book Center, New Delhi, 2003
Krishnamurthy M: Design and Construction of Digital Library. In: National Seminar on Digitations, Organized by Institute of Information Studies, Bangalore , Aug 9- 11, 2004
Krishnamurthy M : Distribution of Electronic Resources . In: National seminar on Digitations, Organized by Institute of Information Studies, Bangalore Aug 9-11, 2004
Krishnamurthy M: Local Area Networks and its applications in resource sharing. In Eleventh Caliber Conference, New Delhi, Feb 11-13, 2004
Krishnamurthy M: Information Seeking behavior: An overview. In 49th ILA Conference, NewDelhi, Dec 29-Jan 2, 2004
Krishnamurthy M: Subject gateways to Library and Information Science on the net. In 48th ILA Conference, Bangalore, P.341-345, 2003
Krishnamurthy M: Retrospective conversion at the Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore Center Library. A Case Study. In Eight National conference for Automation of libraries in Education and Research Institute (Caliber 2001) Pune, March 15-16, 2001
Ravichandra Rao (IK) and Krishnamurthy M: Library Networks: Objectives, functions and Requirements, 1993, DRTC Annual Seminar