Indian Statistical Institute
Karnataka Branch

To hold meetings, and arrange lectures by eminent persons in the area of Statistics, Social Sciences, Human Resources Development, Quality Management Economics and other subjects of general interests.

To initiate awareness in educational and other institutes the professional use of statistics and its application to other basic science

To conduct training programs to help industries and other organizations in their efforts to cope up with the growing challenge of global competition by organizing training programs.

To organize seminars or conferences jointly with other educational institutes such as Indian Society for Medical Statistics (ICMS) and International Biometrics Society (IBS), Karnataka University, Bangalore University and Universitie of Agricultural Science.

To participate in debates of national importance such as Strategies for Implementation of National Statistical Commission Recommendations with Focus on Primary Sector jointly organized by the Karnataka Branch, University of Agricultural Sciences and Bangalore University on 05th November 2005 in conjunction with the biennial Conference of the International Biometric Society.

To conduct Sample Surveys - surveys focused on evaluating how far the objectives of the Indian Constitution which provides equal rights (A survey on the problem of working women in Bangalore City) and others.

  1. Report of activites for the period from 2013-2014