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Systems Science and Informatics Unit (SSIU)
Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) has created a novel interdisciplinary applied computer Sience unit launched as the Systems Science and Informatics Unit (SSIU) in its Bangalore Centre. The SSIU, a unit under the Computer and Communication Science Division (CCSD), was inaugurated on 5th August 2009.
SSIU deals with multidisciplinary research. Nature, Society, and Science consists of numerous phenomena and processes, the behavior of which traverse various phases. Those phases range from very simple to highly strange in their behaviors. Current faculty members of SSIU are dealing with some of such phenomena and processes from certain (but different) domains such as brain function, terrestrial dynamics, sociological systems, urban and environmental systems etc. Studying and analyzing such domain-specific research can be done through computationally rigorous approaches and also through informatics. Efficient way of understanding the dynamical behavior of many complex systems of nature, society and science is possible through data acquired at multiple spatial and temporal scales. Earlier, several toy models were developed via classical mathematics to explain several possible phases in dynamical behaviors of complex systems. With the advent of computers with powerful graphics facilities, about three decades ago for the first time the interplay between numeric (generated via classical equations explaining the behaviors of dynamical systems) and graphics (e.g. May, 1976; Feignbaum, 1982; Mandelbrot, 1982) are shown. Some of such studies, to name a few, include logistic maps from first order nonlinear difference equations, Mandelbrot and Julia sets from iterative equations. That progress provided initial impetus to visualize on graphical screens the systems’ spatial and/or temporal behaviours that exhibit simple to complex patterns. Since last two decades, we have been seeing significant breakthroughs in data acquisition procedures with precision. Retrieving relevant meaningful information from such acquired spatial-temporal data of varied types (that can be represented in signal and/or spatial forms) about a specific complex system is a basic prerequisite to understand the spatial-temporal behavior of a system. The varied but coherent phases involve in developing cogent domain specific models include information retrieval from the source data, information analysis, information reasoning, and simulation and modeling. These essential components that we deal with at SSIU are basic ingredients of informatics, the science and engineering of information.
Broad areas of research at SSIU include Computing in Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering to develop cogent domain-specific models. The broad research focus addresses challenges of both basic and applied nature. Goal is to conduct quality research, in the areas of interest to SSIU—that competes for space for publications in journals of repute—involving advanced spatial statistical tools (e.g. mathematical morphology, fractal geometry, fuzzy set theory, rough set theory, neural networks, digital image processing and analysis, signal theory, game theory etc), and applications of such tools in various domains like geospatial, biology and medicine, and several other socially relevant application domains. Other research topics of general interest include spatial statistics, pattern retrieval, pattern analysis, modelling, along with developing Advanced Course Curriculum.
SSIU welcomes young, accomplished and enthusiastic faculties to join our initiative. To fill faculty positions, SSIU solicits applications from scientists with strong quantitative background and established research credentials in applying computers in scientific research as evidenced by publications in leading journals. Three years or more of postdoctoral experience in leading Indian/foreign universities/institutes is preferred. Faculty members in ISI enjoy salary and benefits at per with IISc, and IITs. Candidates interested in a faculty position in the SSIU may contact the Head of the SSIU. A formal application will have to be addressed to the Director at director@isical.ac.in or Indian Statistical Institute, 203 B. T. Road, Kolkata – 700108, with reprints/preprints of papers and names and contact addresses of at least three referees.
SSIU also looks for students with strong quantitative background and zeal to demonstrate their potential. Those who want to pursue a PhD in the areas of faculty’ expertises are particularly encouraged to apply. CSIR/GATE/ISI Computer Science JRF test qualified candidates will be given preference.