A Three - Day Workshop on "Mathematical Morphology and Pattern Recognition: Theory and Applications" is being organized during 26 - 28 March, 2013 at the Systems Science and Informatics Unit (SSIU), Indian Statistical Institute - Bangalore Centre
The two tracks in this three-day workshop include "Mathematical Morphology: Theory and Applications" and "Pattern Recognition: Theory and Applications". A host of algorithms developed based on the concepts of mathematical morphology would be covered in a series of 12 lectures by B. S. Daya Sagar. Applications of both clasical and modern Pattern Recognition techqniques would be covered in a series of 10 lectures by Saroj Meher.
Organizers (Sagar and Saroj) have framed the sequence of lectures in such a way that there would be an excellent coherence. These lectures are mainly intended for Postgraduate students, Ph.D. scholars, Post-Docs and young faculty members who would like to venture into research on the topics of the workshop. The number of participants is restricted to 30.