14:32:58 From Yogeshwaran D : https://www.isibang.ac.in/~d.yogesh/BPS/ 14:33:40 From Yogeshwaran D : Mathew’s slides are can be found on this page. 14:34:09 From Parthanil Roy : And Siva’s will be uploaded later, right? 14:34:18 From Yogeshwaran D : yes. After the talk. 14:38:42 From Arvind Ayyer : This is assuming X_0 = 0? 14:39:17 From Parthanil Roy : Can Siva scroll down a bit? 14:39:33 From Mathew Joseph : yes to Arvind 14:39:52 From Arvind Ayyer : Thanks 14:40:07 From Parthanil Roy : Thanks 14:43:21 From Parthanil Roy : This can be done for any self-similar process, right? 14:43:40 From Mathew Joseph : Yes, that’s right. 14:43:46 From kram : So if we know the torsion function (u such that laplacian u = -2 with u = 0 on boundary), then bounds for the exit time are immediate 14:44:10 From Parthanil Roy : Thanks Mathew. 14:44:15 From Yogeshwaran D : Does Mogulskii’s result have a path wise version too ? 14:44:46 From Parthanil Roy : Varadhan-Mogulskii, right? 14:51:02 From Abhay Gopal Bhatt : sup is over both s, t < = 1? 14:51:17 From Mathew Joseph : yes 14:51:28 From Yogeshwaran D : No lower bound for L_2 norm ? 14:51:30 From Abhay Gopal Bhatt : ok. Thanks 14:52:10 From Mathew Joseph : Yogesh: I don’t think he obtained a lower bound 14:52:51 From kram : yes, thanks yogesh 14:57:06 From kram : Matthew, the L2 norm is less than the sup norm, so doesn't this automatically give lower bound for small ball for ||B||_2? 14:57:14 From Parthanil Roy : Is it Brownian sheet or BS conditioned to be something? 14:57:35 From Srikanth Iyer : In the application B(1,1) is zero. 14:57:52 From Parthanil Roy : Yes, so BS Bridge 15:00:23 From Parthanil Roy : Siva, would you mind switching off your video? breaking up a bit from time to time. 15:01:04 From Parthanil Roy : thanks 15:13:44 From Yogeshwaran D : Shouldn’t it be P(A_0) \geq C for some constant ? 15:35:00 From Parthanil Roy : can you please explain what is meant by periodic boundary conditions? 15:35:25 From Parthanil Roy : Thanks 15:35:28 From Siva Athreya : Boundary values match 15:35:44 From Parthanil Roy : Got it, thanks. 15:56:05 From Koushik : Mathew and Siva - Do you have an inequality like 15:56:11 From Siva Athreya : ? 15:56:37 From Siva Athreya : the part after like did not come ? 15:57:58 From Koushik : sup |u|\leq C_n sup|p_{i.j}| by some kind of net argument (using Lipschitz nature or anyhting else?) 15:58:50 From Koushik : sorry i meant sup |u(p_{i, j})| 15:58:54 From Siva Athreya : u has a stochastic integral 15:59:17 From Siva Athreya : in probability we can compare 15:59:23 From Siva Athreya : but almost sure will be hard to do 15:59:38 From Koushik : I see, ok. Thanks 16:09:00 From Parthanil Roy : proved by a retd German professor, right? 16:09:17 From Yogeshwaran D : yes. 16:10:45 From Yogeshwaran D : https://www.quantamagazine.org/statistician-proves-gaussian-correlation-inequality-20170328/ 16:10:48 From Koushik : sorry, can you explain again how you apply correlation inequality to estimate the underlined quantity? 16:10:58 From Siva Athreya : He is doing it. 16:11:08 From Balarka Sen : Symmetric means radially symmetric around the origin, or? 16:11:57 From Siva Athreya : Koushik: Split the rectangle into smaller rectangles. Use noise part in each rectangle to get collection of Gaussian random variables 16:14:15 From Koushik : Ah ok , got it 16:15:15 From Yogeshwaran D : @Balarka, I guess centrally symmetric i.e., x \in K iff -x \in K. 16:15:46 From Balarka Sen : Ah alright. 16:23:35 From Sarvesh Iyer : Can you elaborate a little more on the approximation argument for general \sigma functions? (Is it standard?) 16:27:33 From Balarka Sen : But what if K and L are disjoint centrally symmetric subsets of R^2? K = (very small disk at (1, 1)) U -(very small disk at (1, 1)) and L the same but with very small disk at (2, 2)?