14:48:33 From Yogeshwaran D : How is k-dimensional face defined for a general cone ? 14:48:49 From Yogeshwaran D : is it similar to the R^n_+ ? 14:50:41 From Christoph Thäle : A face of a cone C is the intersection of C with one of its supporting hyperplanes. If this intersection has dimension k one speaks about a k-(dimensional) face. For a polyhedral cone one needs to replace some of the half spaces by their bounding hyperplanes in such a way that the intersection has dimension k. This intersection is then a k-face of the cone. 14:51:06 From Yogeshwaran D : Thanks. 15:45:37 From Siva Athreya : Is it easy to see that the Martingale Problem is well posed ? 15:48:15 From Zakhar Kabluchko : For me it is not easy... 15:50:14 From Krishanu Kanta : what will happen if becomes n<1is there any condition satisfying​ it 15:54:53 From Krishanu Kanta : In the first slide we are having n>=1 we are defining the tessellations can n be negative .Is it possible of somehow then n being negative