MOD: Metadata for Ontology Description and Publication

Specification Document 02 September 2016 (v1.0,r0.2)

This version:
Latest version:

Copyright © 2015-2029 DRTC, Indian Statistical Institute (Bangalore, India)

This work can be refereed as follows: Dutta, B., Nandini, D. and Shahi, G. (2015). MOD: Metadata for Ontology Description and publication. In Proceedings of DCMI International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications (DC-2015), Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1-4 September 2015, pp. 1-9. Available here

For any queries, contact Biswanath Dutta at, or at


This specification desctibes MOD, a metadata vocabulary to describe and publish ontologies. The vocabulary is consisted of a set of classes and properties and is designed using W3C's RDF technology.

Note:This document is under progress, hence the document will be updated from time to time.

The "owl" file of MOD Ontology (v1.0, r0.2) along with an example is available at:

Table of contents

1. Introduction

Ontology is an important artifact in the Semantic Web applications. Today, there is an enormous number of ontologies available on the Web. Even then, finding and identifying the right ontology is not that easy. This is because the majority of the ontologies are either not described or described with a general purpose metadata vocabulary like, Dublin Core. On the other hand, ontology construction, irrespective of its types (e.g., general ontology, domain ontology, application ontology), is an expensive affair both in terms of human resources and other infrastructural resources. Hence, the ideal situation would be to reuse the existing ontologies to reduce the development effort and cost, and also to improve the quality of the original ontology.
MOD provides a set of terms which can be used by the ontology libraries (e.g., ontology registry, ontology repository, ontology portal), and in general by the Web developers to describe and publish the ontologies. The enriched description of ontologies, in turn, will help the users to search, discover, identify and select the required ontologies. This ultimately will promote the reuse of ontologies.

The MOD terms are standardised by using equivalent terms that are available in the existing metadata standards. The metadata standards that we have used for this purpose are Friend Of A Friend (FOAF) , Dublin Core (DC), and Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS). This way, MOD not only standardizes the vocabulary, but it also becomes part of the global initiative. This approach also ensures interoperability among the software programs.

The XML Namespace URI that must be used by implementations of this specification is:

The suggested prefix for the namespace is "mod" to be used by implementations of this specification:

The following are the prefixes and XML Namespaces for the external metadata vocabularies used in MOD.


2. MOD: Metadata for Ontology Description and Publication

An alphabetical index of terms from the Metadata for Ontology Description and Publication (MOD), by class and by property, are given below. All the terms are hyperlinked to their detailed description for quick reference.

Classes: | Agent | Domain | Evaluation | EvaluationCriteria | EvaluationMethod | FileFormat | KnowledgeRepresentationFormalism | LevelOfFormality | License | Ontology | OntologyDesignLanguage | OntologyDesignMethodology | OntologyDesignTool | OntologySyntax | OntologyType | Organisation | Person | Project

Object Properties: | contactPoint | contributor | creator | endorsedBy | evaluatedBy | evaluationBasedOnCriteria | evaluationMethod | formalityLevel | format | hasEvaluation | knowledgeRepresentationFormalism | license | methodologyUsed | module | ontologyLanguage | ontologyInUse | sourceOntology | sponsoredBy | subject | syntax | toolUsed | type

Data Properties: | accessibility | acronym | address | altLabel | classes | competencyQuestion | country | creationDate | deprecated | description | document | evaluationDate | firstName | homepage | identifier | keyword | lastName | mbox | name | noOfAxioms | noOfIndividuals | noOfProperties | obsolete | phone | pin | rights | size | state | status | street | usedInApplication | version | vocabularyUsed

2.1 MOD Classes

Class: foaf:Agent

A resource that acts or has the power to act. Example of Agents include person and organization.

Data properties include:address country description document homepage mbox phone pin street
Has Subclass:Organisation Person

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Class: foaf:Organisation

An agent corresponding to social institutions such as companies, associations, etc., that has a collective goal.

Data properties include:acronym address country description document homepage firstName mbox name phone pin street
Subclass of:Agent

[back to overview]

Class: foaf:Person

A human being (alive, dead, undead, real or imaginary).

Data properties include:address country description document homepage firstName lastName mbox phone pin street
Subclass of:Agent

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Class: mod:Domain

An area of knowledge or a flield of study that an ontology deals with. For example, Gene ontology, Movie onotology, Fishery ontology and Food ontology.

Data properties include:name altLabel acronym description document

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Class: mod:Evaluation

The results of evaluating an ontology. An ontology can have more than one evaluations.

Object properties include:evaluatedBy evaluationBasedOnCriteria evaluationMethod
Data properties include:name altLabel acronym evaluationDate description document

[back to overview]

Class: mod:EvaluationCriteria

The evaluation criterias, essentially the various aspects that are used in validating the quality of an ontology. These aspects may include for example, accuracy, adaptability, accessibility, clarity, completeness, computational efficiency, conciseness, informativeness, uniqueness, relevancy, reliability, usefulness and organizational fitness.

Data properties include:name altLabel acronym description document

[back to overview]

Class: mod:EvaluationMethod

The methodology that is followed in evaluating an ontology, e.g., application based approach, assessment by human, data driven approach and golden standard.

Data properties include:name altLabel acronym description document

[back to overview]

Class: mod:FileFormat

A file format of an ontology. For example .rdf, .owl, .xml, etc.

Data properties include:name altLabel acronym description document

[back to overview]

Class: mod:KnowledgeRepresentationFormalism

A representation formalism that is followed to describe knowledge in an ontology. Example includes description logics, first order logic, etc.

Data properties include:name altLabel acronym description document

[back to overview]

Class: mod:LevelOfFormality

The degree or level of formality of an ontology. The level of formality varies from Rigorously formal, Semiformal, Informal, and Semiinformal.

Data properties include:name altLabel acronym description document

[back to overview]

Class: mod:License

A legal document giving official permission to do something with an ontology. Example includes Apache license, Creative Commons Attribution License, GNU General Public License and GPL.

Data properties include:name altLabel acronym description document

[back to overview]

Class: mod:OntologyDesignLanguage

Language in which the ontology is made, e.g Web Ontology Language 2DL

Data properties include:name altLabel acronym description document

[back to overview]

Class: mod:OntologyDesignMethodology

A method(s) by which an ontology is created. Example includes Methontology, Tove, Cyc and YAMO.

Data properties include:name altLabel acronym description document

[back to overview]

Class: mod:OntologyDesignTool

A tool that is used to create an ontology. Example includes Protege, OntoEdit, TopBraid, etc. and animals.

Data properties include:name altLabel acronym description document

[back to overview]

Class: mod:OntologySyntax

A syntax that is used to implement an ontology. Example includes RDF/XML, Notation3, n-triples, RDFa and Turtle.

Data properties include:name altLabel acronym description document

[back to overview]

Class: mod:OntologyType

The kind of an ontology. Example includes Upper ontology, Domain Ontology, Application Ontology and Task ontology.

Data properties include:name altLabel acronym description document

[back to overview]

Class: mod:Project

Any piece of work that is undertaken or attempted.

Data properties include:name altLabel acronym creationDate description document

[back to overview]

2.2 MOD Object Properties

Property: pod:contactPoint

The person who can be contacted to enquire about an ontology.

Domain: Ontology
Range: Person

[back to overview]

Property: dc:contributor

An agent who has contributed in making an ontology.

Domain: Ontology
Range: Agent

[back to overview]

Property: dc:creator

The creator of an ontology.

Domain: Ontology
Range: Agent

[back to overview]

Property: mod:endorsedBy

An ontology endorsed by an agent.

Domain: Ontology
Range: Agent

[back to overview]

Property: mod:evaluatedBy

An ontology which has been evaluated by an agent.

Domain: Evaluation
Range: Agent

[back to overview]

Property: mod:evaluationBasedOnCriteria

This property makes a relationship between an evaluation and the evaluation criteria(s)/aspect(s) considered to judge the quality of an ontology.

Domain: Evaluation
Range: EvaluationCriteria

[back to overview]

Property: mod:evaluationMethod

The method that is followed in evaluating an ontology. This property makes a relationship between an ontology and the methodology followed in evaluating the ontology.

Domain: Evaluation
Range: EvaluationMethod

[back to overview]

Property: mod:formalityLevel

The level of formality of an ontology.

Domain: Ontology
Range: LevelOfFormality

[back to overview]

Property: mod:hasEvaluation

This property makes a relationship between an ontology and its evaluation result.

Domain: Ontology
Range: Evaluation

[back to overview]

Property: dc:format

The file format of an ontological resource.

Domain: Ontology
Range: FileFormat

[back to overview]

Property: mod:knowledgeRepresentationFormalism

A knowledge representation formalism (e.g., description logics, first order logic) followed to create an ontology.

Domain: Ontology
range: KnowledgeRepresentationFormalism

[back to overview]

Property: dcmi:license

A license under which an ontology is published.

Domain: Ontology
Range: License

[back to overview]

Property: mod:methodologyUsed

A methodolgy follwoing which an ontology is created.

Domain: Ontology
Range: OntologyDesignMethodology

[back to overview]

Property: mod:module

The part(s) of an ontology, may refer to the same ontology or may refer to a different ontology(ies).

Domain: Ontology
Range: Ontology

[back to overview]

Property: mod:ontologyDesignLanguage

A language that is used to create an ontology.

Domain: Ontology
Range: OntologyDesginLanguage

[back to overview]

Property: mod:ontologyInUse

An ontology that is used in a project.

Domain: Ontology
Range: Project

[back to overview]

Property: mod:sourceOntology

The ontology(ies) referred to while creating the present ontology.

Domain: Ontology
Range: Ontology

[back to overview]

Property: mod:sponsoredBy

An ontology that is sponsored by and developed under a project.

Domain: Ontology
Range: Project

[back to overview]

Property: dc:subject

The subject or the topic of an ontology.

Domain: Ontology
Range: Domain

[back to overview]

Property: mod:syntax

The syntax followed in the creation of an ontology.

Domain: Ontology
Range: OntologySyntax

[back to overview]

Property: mod:toolUsed

The tool used for the creation of an ontology.

Domain: Ontology
Range: OntologyDesignTool

[back to overview]

Property: dc:type

The nature or genre of the resource.

Domain: Ontology
Range: OntologyType

[back to overview]

2.3 MOD Data Properties

Property: mod:accessibility

The degree to which an ontology is avilable. For instance, an ontology may be available to read, or to download.

Domain: mod:Ontology
Range: xsd:string

[back to overview]

Property: mod:acronym

A word formed from the initial letters of the several words in the name and pronounced as one word.

Domain: owl:Thing
Range: xsd:string

[back to overview]

Property: mod:address

The address of an agent.

Has Sub-property:country pin state street
Domain: mod:Agent
Range: xsd:string

[back to overview]

Property: skos:altLabel

The address of an agent.

Domain: owl:Thing
Range: xsd:string

[back to overview]

Property: mod:competencyQuestion

A set of questions made to build an ontology at the design time.

Domain: mod:Ontology
Range: xsd:string

[back to overview]

Property: mod:country

The country name.

Sub property of:address
Domain: mod:Ontology
Range: xsd:string

[back to overview]

Property: mod:creationDate

The releasing date of a resource.

Domain: mod:Ontology foaf:Project
Range: xsd:dateTime

[back to overview]

Property: mod:evaluationDate

The evaluation date of an ontology.

Domain: mod:Evaluation
Range: xsd:dateTime

[back to overview]

Property: mod:deprecated

This data property is used to discourage the use of any classes and/or properties of an ontology or a particular version of an ontology.

Domain: mod:Ontology
Range: xsd:string

[back to overview]

Property: dc:description

Human-readable description with sufficient information to enable a user to quickly understand whether the ontology is of interest. The description can include, for instance, the purpose of the ontology, the scope, the area of applications of the ontology, the history, etc.

Domain: owl:Thing
Range: xsd:string

[back to overview]

Property: mod:document

A link to the documentation page on a thing.

Domain: owl:Thing
Range: xsd:anyURI

[back to overview]

Property: foaf:firstName

The first name of a person.

Domain: mod:Person
Range: xsd:string

[back to overview]

Property: mod:homepage

An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.

Domain: owl:Thing
Range: xsd:anyURI

[back to overview]

Property: dc:identifier

An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context.

Domain: mod:Ontology
Range: xsd:anyURI

[back to overview]

Property: mod:keyword

A keyword(s) is used to describe the content of an ontology. Keywords are basically uncontrolled and author defined words. Multiple entries in a keywords list are typically delimited by commas.

Domain: mod:Ontology
Range: xsd:string

[back to overview]

Property: dc:language

The natural language of an ontology.

Domain: mod:Ontology
Range: xsd:string

[back to overview]

Property: foaf:lastName

The email address of an agent.

Domain: mod:Person
Range: xsd:string

[back to overview]

Property: foaf:mbox

The email address of an agent.

Domain: mod:Agent
Range: xsd:string

[back to overview]

Property: foaf:name

The name for some thing.

Domain: owl:Thing
Range: xsd:string

[back to overview]

Property: mod:noOfAxioms

The total number of axioms in an ontology.

Domain: mod:Ontology
Range: xsd:positiveInteger

[back to overview]

Property: mod:noOfClasses

The total number of classes in an ontology.

Domain: mod:Ontology
Range: xsd:positiveInteger

[back to overview]

Property: mod:noOfIndividuals

The total number of individuals in an ontology.

Domain: mod:Ontology
Range: xsd:positiveInteger

[back to overview]

Property: mod:noOfProperties

The total number of properties in an ontology.

Domain: mod:Ontology
Range: xsd:positiveInteger

[back to overview]

Property: mod:obsolete

The classes and properties of an ontology that are no longer in use.

Domain: mod:Ontology
Range: xsd:string

[back to overview]

Property: foaf:phone

A phone, specified using fully qualified telelephone number.

Domain: mod:Agent
Range: xsd:long

[back to overview]

Property: mod:pin

A pin code.

Sub property of:address
Domain: mod:Agent
Range: xsd:string

[back to overview]

Property: dc:rights

Information about rights held in and over an ontology. Typically, rights include statements about the property rights associated with an ontology, including the intellectual property rights. This property can also serve to provide an explanation for the values, such as {read, download} of the data property accessibility of an ontology. The property rights should also provide instructions on how to access an ontology in case the value of the property accessibility is read.

Domain: mod:Ontology
Range: xsd:string

[back to overview]

Property: mod:size

The size of an ontology file.

Domain: mod:Ontology
Range: xsd:double

[back to overview]

Property: mod:state

The state or the province name.

Sub property of:address
Domain: mod:Ontology
Range: string

[back to overview]

Property: dc:status

The status of an released ontology (i.e. whether completed or an intermediated version, authorized or not, etc.)

Domain: mod:Ontology
Range: string

[back to overview]

Property: mod:street

The street address.

Sub property of:address
Domain: mod:Agent
Range: xsd:string

[back to overview]

Property: mod:usedInApplication

Provide information on the application(s) where an ontology is used. URIs can be provided pointing to the application(s), or link to the pages where the applications are described.

Domain: mod:Ontology
Range: xsd:string

[back to overview]

Property: mod:version

The version of the released ontology.

Domain: mod:Ontology
Range: xsd:Double

[back to overview]

Property: mod:vocabularyUsed

A vocabulary(ies) that is used and/or referred to create the current ontology.

Domain: mod:Ontology
Range: xsd:string

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3 Acknowledgement

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4 Disclaimer

MOD is not to replace/ compete with any of the existing metadata vocabularies for ontology descriptions. Instead it can be seen as a complementary to the others, if any.

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5 References

DCMI. (2014). Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, Version 1.1. Retrieved July 9, 2015, from
Dutta, B., Nandini, D. and Shahi, G. (2015). MOD: Metadata for Ontology Description and publication. In Proceedings of DCMI International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications (DC-2015), Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1-4 September 2015, pp. 1-9. Available at:
FOAF. (2014). Vocabulary Specification 0.99. Retrieved July 9, 2015, from
RDF. (2014). RDF 1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax. Retrieved July 9, 2015, from
SKOS. (2009). SKOS Simple Knowledge Organization System Reference. Retrieved July 9, 2015, from

[back to overview]

6 Change log

The changes from MOD (v1.0,r0.1, published in 05 August 2015) to MOD (v1.0,r0.2, published in 02 September 2016) are provided here.
Newly added classes Newly added object properties Newly added Data properties Deleted classes Deleted object properties Deleted data properties
Evaluation contactPoint rights None None None
EvaluationCriteria evaluationBasedOnCriteria deprecated
EvaluationMethod evaluationMethod obsolete

Besides the above changes, we have also updated the descriptions for the following MOD elements: accessibility, description, creationDate and size.

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7 To Do

Mapping of MOD elements to OMV.

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