Course Archives Statistical Quality Control & Operations Research Unit
Course: Marketing Research
Level: Postgraduate
Time: Currently not offered
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Syllabus: The Marketing information system -general MIS dimensions –role of marketing research.
Securing Marketing information for decision making: Securing internal sales and cost information. Securing information from respondent –types of information, communication methods, collection methods, Questionnaire design and formulation, Sample design and validation, Tackling non response, Bias, unwilling to respond, detection of inaccuracies and ambiguity. Securing and using psychological information-attitude, trade and motivation. Securing unanticipated and commercial information –Panel information, Stores audits, Field information, independent sample survey-design and analysis. Advertising research.
Analytical methods: Measuring and using potential, Segmentation. Forecasting as applicable to marketing-use of moving average , exponential smoothing-Box and Jenkins method. Conjoint analysis. Introduction to Stochastic models of buying behavior-Brand Choice and purchase incidence modeling - Brand share prediction –Parfitt and Collins model, other models.

Reference Texts:
1. Marketing Research, Information Systems and decision making (1969): By Kenneth P.Uhl and Bertram Schoner, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
2. A practical guide book to market research (1998): By D.M. Sarwate, Everest, Pune.
3. Marketing Research: By G.C. Beri, (2008); Tata Mgraw Hill.
4. Research for Marketing Decisions (2008): By Paul Green, Donald Tull, Gerald Albaurn, Prentice-hall Of India Pvt Ltd.
5. Stochastic models of buying behavior (1969): By Massay W.F, Montgomery D.V., Morrission D.G, The M.I.T. Press.

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[Indian Statistical Institute]