Course Archives Documentation Research and Training Centre Unit
Course: Semantic Web
Level: Postgraduate
Time: Currently not offered
Past Exams

Module 1: Introduction to Semantic Web
Unit 01: Transition from Syntactic Web to Semantic Web: Syntactic Web, Problems with Syntactic Web, Requirement and motivation of Semantic Web
Unit 02: Introduction to Glossary, Dictionary, Metadata, Taxonomy, Thesauri, Ontology, Their interrelationships
Module 2: Knowledge Organisation and Representation
Unit 03: Semantic Web: Introduction, Knowledge Organization (KO), Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS).
Unit 04: Knowledge Representation (KR) Goal, Properties, Semantic Network, Knowledge Representation issues
Module 3: Semantic Web Architecture and Components
Unit 05: Hypertext web technologies: URI/IRI, UNICODE, XML, XML Namespace
Unit 06: Standardised semantic web technologies: RDF, RDFS, Ontology, SPARQL, Rule, Logic
Unit 07: Unrealised semantic web technologies: Proof, Trust, Cryptography
Module 4: Resource Description Framework
Unit 08: Resource Description Framework, Fundamentals, Resource, Property, Value, Statements
Unit 09: Serialization Formats, Blank Node, Container
Unit 10: Resource Description Framework Schema, Core Classes in RDFS,
Module 5: Ontology and Ontology Language
Unit 11: Ontology (What, Why, Evolution), Ontology Classification
Unit 12: Ontology Building Blocks, TBox and ABox,
Unit 13: Ontology Development Methodologies
Unit 14: Ontology Editors, Introduction to protege
Unit 15: Introduction to OWL, Syntax (Exchange Syntax, Abstract Syntax).
Unit 16: Flavours of OWL language: OWL 2 vs OWL 1 OWL 2 Profiles, OWL2, OWL 2 DL vs OWL 2 Full
Unit 17: OWL Semantics
Module 6: Logics
Unit 18: Description Logics, Basic Building Blocks of DL Ontologies,
Unit 19: DL System Architecture
Unit 20: Description Logic Family
Module 7: Advanced semantic web techniques
Unit 21: Reasoning and Inference: Concept, Tools
Unit 22: SPARQL, Linked Data
Unit 23: Ontology Querying
Module 8: Practice
Unit 24-27: Ontology development, data integration, knowledge graph
Unit 28-30: Reasoners such as Pellet, Hermit, Fact++, graph data access and visualization
Unit 31-32: Ontology Querying using such as SPARQL, DL Query

Reference Texts:
1. Tim Berners-Lee, James Hendler and Ora Lassila (2001). The Semantic Web, Scientific> 2. Tim Berners-Lee and James Hendler (2001). Publishing on the Semantic Web, Nature.
3. Allemang, D. and Hendler, J. (2008). Sementic Web for the working Ontologist: Effective modeling in RDFS and OWL, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
4. Domingue, J. and Hendler, J. (2011). Handbook of Semantic Web Technologies, Springer.
5. Rudi Studer, Stephan Grimm, and Andreas Abecker (2007). Semantic web services: concepts, technologies, and applications, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.
6. Michael Hausenblas, Luke Ruth, David Wood, and Marsha Zaidman (2013). Linked Data, Manning Publications.
7. Bob DuCharme (2013). Learning SPARQL: Querying and Updating with SPARQL 1.1, O’Reilly Media.

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