Course Archives Documentation Research and Training Centre Unit
Course: Web Based Information Systems and Services
Level: Postgraduate
Time: Currently not offered
Past Exams

Module 1: HTML and CSS
Unit 01: HTML Basics: tags, attributes, text/paragraph formatting, hyperlinks
Unit 02: HTML Tables and Layouts, physical vs logical tags
Unit 03: HTML5: Semantic tags, meta tags, SEO, Open Graph Protocol (OGP) tags
Unit 04: CSS Basics: Inline vs global CSS, CSS selectors, Box-model
Unit 05: CSS pseudo classes, pseudo elements, combinator, Rule of specificity
Unit 06: CSS layout, responsive design with @media queries
Unit 07: CSS Frameworks: Twitter Bootstrap (layout, utility classes, theming, etc.)
Module 2: XML
Unit 08: XML Concepts: Markup vs semantics, rules for well-formed XML
Unit 09: XML DTD: valid vs well-formed, element and attributes definitions, validation tools (xmllint)
Unit 10: XML Schema: data types, data facets and patterns, XML namespaces, Simple vs Complex types
Unit 11: XML Styling: CSS vs XSL, XSLT/XPATH/SQuery, xsltproc tool
Unit 12: XSLT advanced: XPATH Primer, advanced XSLT templates, lists, if-else, loops
Unit 13: Crosswalk using XSLT: MARCXML to DC/MODS and DC to MODS
Unit 14: YAML/JSON Primer: Basics of JSON, YAML standard and JSON, XML vs JSON
Module 3: Introduction to Databases
Unit 15: Database basics: RDBMS/SQL introduction, MySQL basic commands: connect, create/alter tables, insert/update/delete data
Unit 16: Database constraints: Primary key, Foreign key, SQL Joins, Table alias in joins
Unit 17: Advanced SQL: Nested SQL in Where clause, Database export (mysql- dump, pg dump), SQL import
Module 4: Python Programming and web servers
Unit 18: Python Basics: print, concatenate, variables, string operations, math operations, functions
Unit 19: Python Data structures: Arrays, dict, Lists/Dict operations, Conditionals and loops, global vs local scope
Unit 20: Python modules: Datetime, Regular expression, JSON module, pymarc
Unit 21: Apache Web-server: Web server concept, VirtualHost, DocumentRoot and Alias, permissions, Listen to port
Unit 22: Python CGI: Form handling, GET param from URL, GET vs POST methods, Python MySQL connection
Module 5: Advanced topics for web based services and networking
Unit 23: Modern web patterns: Templating, MVC pattern, CGI vs WSGI, Security, Flask framework (Python)
Unit 24: Database abstraction: OS-level abstraction (ODBC), Language-level (JDBC/PDO/DBI), Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
Unit 25: Javascript: Client-side script concept, Browser/DOM events, jQuery, asynchronous pro-gramming (AJAX)
Unit 26: Web skills practical: use custom jQuery and CSS in Koha/DSpace with examples
Unit 27: Search engine components: Spider/crawler, Indexer, Searcher, Tokenizer, Filters, Ranking algorithms (TF-IDF scores)
Module 6: Web based services protocols
Unit 28: Z39.50 Protocol Operations (Init, Search, Present, Scan) using Yaz Client, Record Syntax, Element set, Resultset management
Unit 29: Type-1 Query (RPN) examples with Bib-1 Attributes (Use, Relation, Position, Structure, Truncation, Completeness)
Unit 30: Z39.50 server setup using IndexData Zebra software, Index MARC records, Record Id de-duplication
Unit 31: Z39.50 Application Profiles: US National Profile (Z39.89), Bath Profile Conformance Levels for Functional Area A
Unit 32: SRU Operations (searchRetrieve, scan, explain), CQL basics (ContextSets, Relation Modifiers), Conformance/Base Profile
Unit 33: OAI-PMH: OAI Verbs, Selective Harvesting, Flow Control (resumptionToken), Tools and implementation
Unit 34: WWW/Search Engines: Scholarly/Vertical search engines, Federated Search Engines (Masterkey/Pazpar2), Discovery Platforms
Unit 35: Open Discovery Initiative (NISO RP-19-2020), COUNTER Usage statistics, SUSHI Protocol (Z39.93-2014), OpenURL (Z39.88-2004)
Module 7: Advanced web based services
Unit 36: Network authentication: IP-based authentication, EZProxy, Shibboleth, OpenAthens, etc.
Unit 37: Web Services: REST vs SOAP, SOAP usages, REST design principles, API

Reference Texts:
1. Anderson, Paul. (2012). Web 2.0 and beyond : principles and technologies. CRC Press
2. Bates, Chris. (2006). Web Programming: Building Internet Applications. 3rd Ed. Wiley-India.
3. Duckett, Jon .(2011). HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites Paperback .Wiley
4. Kalbach, James. (2007). Designing Web Navigation: Optimizing the User Experience. O’Reilly Media.
5. Macdonald, Matthew (2015). Creating a Website: The Missing Manual. O’Reilly Media.
6. Morville, Peter & Rosenfeld, Louis. (2006). Information Architecture for the World Wide Web: Designing Large-Scale Web Sites. 3rd Ed. O’Reilly Media.
7. Robbins, Jennifer Niederst. (2012). Learning Web Design: A Beginner’s Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Graphics. 4th Ed. O’Reilly Media.
8. Stallings, William. (2007). Computer Networking with Internet Protocols and Tech- nology. Pearson Education.

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