Course Archives Documentation Research and Training Centre Unit
Course: Information Retrieval
Level: Postgraduate
Time: Currently not offered
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Module 1: Introduction to Information Retrieval
Unit 01: Introduction to Information Retrieval: Overview of IR Systems, Purpose, Historical Perspectives
Unit 02: Concept, Feature, Scope, Function
Module 2: Traditional Information Retrieval Strategy
Unit 03: Subject Indexing: Concept, characteristics, relationship and differences with cataloguing and classification
Unit 04: Subject Indexing Languages (SIL); Meaning of IL; Natural Language Vs IL
Unit 05: Controlled Vocabulary (CV): Purpose, methods
Unit 06: Subject Headings such as LCSH, Sears List of Subject Headings
Unit 07: Thesaurus: Concepts, Purpose, Structure; International Thesauri: Agrovoc, Inspec, MeSH
Unit 08: Pre-Coordinate Indexing - Cutter’s Contribution; Systematic Indexing; keyword indexing; Chain Indexing
Unit 09: Post-Coordinate indexing – Uniterm indexing, search engine indexing
Module 3: Modern IR Models and Strategies
Unit 10: Classic IR: basic concepts, Boolean model
Unit 11: Vector model, probabilistic model
Unit 12: Alternative IR: set theoretic, algebraic models
Unit 13: Probabilistic models (Bayesian networks);
Unit 14: Mathematical morphological models
Unit 15: Structured Text Retrieval Models: model based on non-overlapping lists and proximal nodes
Unit 16: Text Operations: document pre-processing (word stemming, stop words, thesauri).
Unit 17: Document clustering; Google’s Page Rank model
Unit 18: TF-IDF Matrix
Unit 19: IR Systems and the WWW
Unit 20: Intelligent Web Agents
Unit 21: Search methodology, algorithms
Unit 22: Cognitive IR modelling
Unit 23: Natural Language Processing
Unit 24: Multimedia Information Retrieval: (e.g., Image, Audio, Video )
Module 4: Search and Retrieval Query
Unit 25: Advanced search techniques: ex: Boolean, fuzzy, truncation, proximity, phrase search
Unit 26: Query: keyword based querying, Pattern matching, structural queries, query protocols
Unit 27: Hybrid statistical and knowledge approaches: query expansion and refinement based on a similarity, thesaurus and ontologies
Module 5: IR Evaluation
Unit 28: Evaluation of IR
Unit 29: Recall and Precision; dynamic query formulation and reformulation

Reference Texts:
1. Aitchison, Jean; Gilchrist, Alan; and Bawdown, David. (1990). Thesaurus Construction and Use: Practical manual. 4th Ed. ASLIB.
2. Becker, Joseph & Hayes, Robert M. (1967). Information Storage and Retrieval tools Elements & Theories. New York: John Wiley.
3. Chowdhury, G G .(2010). Introduction to Modern Information Retrieval. Facet Publishing
4. Elis, David(1996). Progress and Problems in Information Retrieval. Library Association.
5. Fosket, A.C.(1992). Subject Approach to Information. Clive Bingley.
6. Fugman, Robert. (1993). Subject Indexing and Analysis Theoretical Foundations & Practical Advice. Index Verlag.
7. Grolier, Eric de. (1962). A Study of general Categories Applicable to Classification and Coding in Documentation. UNESCO.
8. Lancaster, F.W. (1977). The Measurement and Evaluation of Library Science. Information Sources Press.
9. Losee, Robert M. (1998). Text retrieval and Filtering: Analytical Models of Performance. Kluwer.
10. Meadow, Charles T. (2000). Text Information retrieval system. Academic Press.
11. Sharp, Harold S. (1964). Readings in Information Retrieval. The Scarecrow Press.
12. Soergel, Dagobert. (1974). Indexing Languages & Thesaurus Construction & Maintenance. Melville Pub. House.
13. Soergel, Dagobert. (1985). Organizing Information. Principles of Database & Retrieval Systems. Academic Press.
14. Van Rijsbergen, C.J. (1979). Information Retrieval. Butterworths

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