Course Archives Documentation Research and Training Centre Unit
Course: Cataloguing and Metadata
Level: Postgraduate
Time: Currently not offered
Past Exams

Module 1: Fundamentals of Cataloguing
Unit 01: Introduction to Cataloguing: Library Catalogue - Meaning, Definition, Need, Purpose, Objectives Functions, types and forms of catalogues
Unit 02: Historical study of cataloguing - Inventory to Card Catalogue to OPAC
Unit 03: Accession list, Shelf list, bibliographies and trade catalogues

Module 2: Theory of Cataloguing
Unit 04: Normative principles of Cataloguing - Canons, Laws, Principles
Unit 05: Evolution of cataloguing codes (Cutters Rules; AACR Code; Classified Catalogue Code; ALA Rules, LC Descriptive Rules, FRBR, FRAD, Resources escription and Access (RDA))
Unit 06: Types of catalogues: Dictionary Catalogue Vs Classified Catalogue
Unit 07: Filing of entries - Word-by-word Vs Character-by-character

Module 3: Cataloguing Codes
Unit 08-10: AACR2
Unit 11-12: RDA
Unit 13-14: CCC

Module 4: Machine Readable Catalogues
Unit 15: MARC21 and MARCXML
Unit 16: Authority Files - Name, Corporate, Serial etc

Module 5: Formats of Catalogues and Cataloguing
Unit 17: Centralized, Publishers catalogue, CIP, Cooperative Cataloguing, Prenatal Cataloguing, Copy Cataloguing,
Unit 18: Union Catalogue such as WorldCat, IndCat

Module 6: Standards
Unit 19: ISBD
Unit 20: FRBR
Unit 21: Bibframe

Module 7: Metadata
Unit 22: Purpose; Types - Descriptive, Structural, Administrative, Preservation, Provenance etc
Unit 23: Dublin Core, QDC
Unit 24: Other Metadata Schema: EAD, TEI, METS, VRA Core etc

Module 8: Practicals
Unit 25-32: Practicals on Preparation of Bibliographic Records for different kinds of documents - Non Book Material; Manuscripts, Cartographic Materials, Microforms, Graphic Materials and Electronic Resources: Sound Recordings, Motion Pictures, Video Recordings, Computer Files, Web Resources

Reference Texts:
1. American Library Association. (1978). Anglo-American cataloguing rules. 2nd Ed. 2002 revision, 2005 update. American Library Association.
2. Andrew, P. G. (2003). Cataloguing Sheet Maps. Haworth Press.
3. Bowman, J. H. (2002). Essential cataloguing the basics. Facet Publishing
4. Broughton, Vanda. (2006). Essential Thesaurus Construction. Facet.
5. Broughton, Vanda. (2011).Essential Library of Congress Subject Headings. Facet
6. Dhawan, K. S. (1997). Online Cataloguing Systems. Commonwealth Publication.
7. Dhiman, Anil K. (2004). Cataloguing of Non-book Materials. Ess Ess.
8. Girija Kumar & Krishan Kumar. (2004). Theory of Cataloguing. New Delhi: Vikas
9. Gorman,Michael.(2004) The Concise AACR2 4. American Library Association.
10. Gredley, Ellen & Hopkinson, Alan (1990). Exchanging Bibliographic Data: marc and other International Formats. ALA.
11. Hagler, Ronald & Simmons, Peter. (1991). The Bibliographic Record and Information. ALA.
12. Haynes, David. (2017). Metadata for Information Management and Retrieval, Understanding metadata and its use . Facet.
13. Haynes, Elizabeth & Fountain, Joanna F. (2005). Unlocking the Mysteries of Cataloging: A Workbook of Examples. Libraries Unlimited.
14. Krishan Kumar. (1986). An Introduction to Cataloguing Practice. 3rd Rev. Ed. New Vikas Publishing.
15. Mitchell, Anne M. & Surratt, Brian E. (2005). Cataloguing and Organizing Digital Sources. Facet Publishing.
16. Ranganathan, S. R. (1988). Classified Catalogue Code with additional rules for dictionary catalogue. Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science.
17. Roe, Sandra K (2002). The Audio Visual Cataloguing. Haworth Press.
18. Sears, M. E. (2010). Sears List of Subject Headings. 20th Ed. H. W. Wilson.
19. Taylor, A. G. (2007). Introduction to Cataloguing and Classification . 10th Ed. Atlantic.
20. Welsh, Anne & Batley, Sue. (2012). Practical Cataloguing AACR, RDA and MARC21. Facet Publishing

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