Course Archives Documentation Research and Training Centre Unit
Course: Information Storage, Retrieval and DBMS
Level: Postgraduate
Time: Currently not offered
Past Exams

Syllabus: Different types of storage media, physical level of a DBMS use of B-trees, Trees. Overview of IR Systems, Historical Perspectives. Document Representation: Statistical Characteristics of Text, Basic Query Processing. Classic IR: basic concepts, Boolean model, vector model, probabilistic model. Alternative IR: set theoretic, algebraic models, and probabilistic models (Bayesian networks). Structured Text Retrieval Models: model based on non-overlapping lists and proximal nodes. Text Operations: document pre-processing (word stemming, stop words, thesauri), document clustering. IR Systems and the WWW, Heterogeneous Information Sources, Intelligent Web Agents. Evaluation of IR. Search methodology, algorithms. Cognitive IR modeling. Searching vs. browsing; dynamic query formulation and reformulation. Query: keyword based querying, pattern matching, structural queries, query protocols. Hybrid statistical and knowledge approaches: query expansion and refinement based on a similarity thesaurus and ontologies. Introduction to DBMS - File management vs. Database management, integrity and security issues. E-R Models, Enhanced E-R Models. Logical Database Design, Relational Database Model, Normalization. SQL, Implementation in MySql or PostgreSql. Concurrency in databases. Object-Oriented Models. Multimedia Databases. Database Security - models, security implementation, relationship to web databases

Reference Texts:
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Past Exams
17.pdf 18.pdf 19.pdf 20.pdf
16.pdf 17.pdf 18.pdf 19.pdf 20.pdf 21.pdf 22.pdf
Supplementary and Back Paper

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[Indian Statistical Institute]