Course Archives Theoretical Statistics and Mathematics Unit
Course: Theory of Large Deviations
Time: Currently not offered
Level: Postgraduate
Past Exams

Syllabus: Introduction to large deviations. Motivations from insurance and statistics. Classical large deviation for partial sums in the Gaussian case: exact computation using Mills ratio.
Fenchel-Legendre transform: definition, properties and computation.
Cramer’s theorem for general random variables and vectors.
General notion of large deviation principle on Polish spaces: Laplace principle, Varadhan’s lemma, weak large deviation principle, exponential tightness, goodness of rate function, contraction principle. Applications.
Gartner and Ellis theorem.
Sanov’s theorem : Donsker-Varadhan variational formula (if time permits)

Prerequisites: Measure Theoretic Probability
Advanced Probability

Suggested Texts :

1. Large Deviations Techniques and Application by Dembo and Zeitouni
2. Large Deviations by Deuschel and Stroock
3. Large Deviations by Hollander
4. Large Deviations and Applications by Varadhan
5. A Weak Convergence Approach to the Theory of Large Deviations by Dupuis and Ellis

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Past Exams
15.pdf 17.pdf 19.pdf
15.pdf 17.pdf 19.pdf
Supplementary and Back Paper
15.pdf 19.pdf

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