Course Archives    Theoretical Statistics and Mathematics Unit
Course: Topology
Time: Currently not offered
Level: Undergraduate
Past Exams

Syllabus: Topological spaces, quotient topology. Separation axioms, Urysohn lemma. Connectedness and compactness. Tychonoffs theorem, one point compactification.

Reference Texts:
1. J. Munkres: Topology a first course.
2. M. A. Armstrong: Basic Topology.
3. G. G. Simmons: Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis.
4. K. Janich: Topology.

Quiz marks
Test marks
Final Exam marks
Total 100 marks

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Past Exams
10.pdf 12.pdf 13.pdf 14.pdf 14a.pdf 15.pdf 16.pdf 17.pdf 18.pdf 19.pdf 20.pdf
12.pdf 14.pdf 15.pdf
06.pdf 10.pdf 11.pdf 13.pdf 14.pdf 15.pdf 16.pdf 17.pdf 18.pdf 19.pdf 21.pdf 22.pdf
15.pdf 16.pdf
Supplementary and Back Paper
13.pdf 15.pdf 16.pdf 16.pdf 17.pdf 18.pdf 19.pdf 22.pdf

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