Course Archives Theoretical Statistics and Mathematics Unit
Course: Special Topics: Harmonic Analysis
Level: Undergraduate
Time: Currently not offered
Past Exams


Main topics: Review of Fourier series and Hilbert spaces, The Fourier Transform and the Poisson Summation Formula, Finite Abelian Groups, Metrizable LCA Groups, The Dual Group, The Plancherel Theorem, The Heisenberg Group.
Additional topics: Haar Integration, Banach Algebras, Representation theory of compact topological groups: Peter-Weyl theorem.

Reference Texts:

Primary Reference: A First Course in Harmonic Analysis by A. Deitmar
Secondary Reference: Principles of Harmonic Analysis by A. Deitmar, S. Echterhoff
Cultural Reading: Harmonic analysis as the exploitation of symmetry - a historical survey by G. W. Mackey, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 3 (1980), 543--698.

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