Guidelines for Authors

The full paper should not exceed 8 pages (~3500 words) in length and must be written in English. An electronic copy of the final paper should be sent in ".doc or .docx" format so as to reach the Organizing Secretary before the deadline.

The text of the paper should conform to the following:

1.    General parameters
  • Paper format: A4 (21 x 29.7 cm)
  • Margins: top 5.15 cm, bottom 5.5 cm, left/right 4.3 cm
  • Header: 4.2 cm
  • Footer: 0 cm
  • Font: Times New Roman
  • Main text: 10 pt, justified (left and right) with 1st line indent at 0.4 cm
  • Text of tables, figures, notes, block quotations, and abstract: 8 pt
  • Tables and figures: centered
  • Captions: 9 pt, centered above table or figure, numbered, 1 blank line before
  • Page numbers: within header, align center, font size 10 pt (1st page not paginated)

2.    Basic format

  • In the upper left corner give the name(s) of the author(s) in 11 pt bold face type.
  • Leave 1 blank line.
  • Beginning at the left margin give the title of the paper in upper and lower case, 14 pt bold face type.
  • Leave 1 blank line.
  • Following this, type the word "Abstract" in bold 10 pt as the heading for the text of the abstract
  • In the following line the text of the abstract should be given in 8 pt type face.
  • Leave 1 blank line.
  • Continue with the text, in 10 pt type face, with line spacing set at exactly 11.5 pt throughout with no blank lines between paragraphs in the same section. Indent all paragraphs by 0.4 cm. Structure your text with headings in 10 pt. bold face type and number the headings with Arabic numbers if desired. Precede all headings with 1 blank line.

3.    Stressing of words. This can be done by using italics. Do not use bold fonts or underlining in the text.

4.    Figures and Tables. Every figure and table should be numbered and given a brief caption above (in 9 pt type). Use 8 pt. type for text within figures and tables. Figures should be clear and sharp. Figures should also be sent separately as high resolution JPEG files

5.    Block quotations should be in 8 pt type with left/right margins set to 0.4 cm extra.

6.    Footnotes should be numbered using superscript, e.g. Knowledge Organization2, and the text of the note should appear at the bottom of the relevant page in 8 pt type.

7.    References and bibliographic citations should be given in parenthesis in the text, listing the author's last name and year of publication. For example: (Smith, 1997); add page numbers where appropriate, e.g. (Jones, 2006, 88-103). The complete bibliographic details of items referred to in the text should be given as "References" at the very end of the paper. Any standard practice such as Chicago style manual, PMLA, APA, etc could be adopted.

8.    Numbering of pages. All pages except the first page should be numbered, at the top of the page (center).

9.    Please send an extended abstract of the paper so as to reach the Organizing Secretary on or before 31st January 2012. The abstract should be 1000 words in length, setting forth clearly the background, purpose, and method for the work to be communicated in the full paper. The body of the email should indicate the full names, job title, institution, mailing addresses, phone and fax numbers and e-mail addresses of all the authors.